Physio Facts - Objective Outcome Measures
It is really important for us as professionals and you as patients to see if spending the week with us is making any difference to your ability. To monitor this we complete objective assessments on the Monday morning of your residential rehabilitation week and we repeat the same assessments again on the Friday. This allows us to compare your results before and after our input, which also helps with the medico-legal provision.
The outcome measures we use focus on a variety of skills, for example stepping sideways, walking up a slope and balance tests. As with all of our rehabilitation, it is completely tailored to the individual, so don’t worry! If you aren’t able to walk up a slope at the moment then we skip that test – but it also tells us that we need to work on that, if it’s something you would like to be able to do. This helps to guide our treatment plan for the week as we know we need to incorporate work on the areas you find harder during the assessments.