Len Snowdon - “the best possible cosmetic prostheses available”
Len Snowdon travels halfway across the world every four years to receive “the best possible cosmetic prostheses available”
Len Snowdon is a husband and father of two from south of Sydney, Australia. Len has always been extremely active, taking part in ballroom dancing and artistic roller skating from a young age as well as working as a train driver.
In 1992, Len was involved in a train accident which resulted in him losing 98% of his right arm as well as his right leg and hip. Being a glass half full man, Len took to rehab with a spring in his step with the love and support of his beloved wife, Carol as well as family and friends. It took six months for Len’s wounds to heal to enable him to wear a prosthetic leg and he returned to work the next week.
“I was using a foam cover and ladies stocking to cover my prostheses and although it wasn’t ideal, I thought it was the only option” explains Len. “In 2004, Carol and I decided to search online for silicone cover options and found Dorset Orthopaedic just south of London in a town called Ringwood. I asked my prosthetist in Australia to enquire and from there was booked in.” Since then, Len has been coming all the way from Australia to Dorset Orthopaedic every four years to have a summer and winter leg made.
Silicone by Dorset Ortho is completely bespoke, individually colour matched and created to blend into everyday life. “This really is the best possible cosmetic prostheses available. I met my silicone technician Diane who couldn’t have been more helpful. To pinpoint exactly where a freckle, hair or vein goes is particularly intricate and I was blown away by the skill the technicians possess. When you have major limb loss, it’s extremely hard to come to terms with and wearing my cosmeses makes me feel as close as possible to how I was before the accident”, Len continued.
Len continues to be an inspiration to many, dedicating time to volunteering. This includes being a Joey Scout leader, volunteering for Disabled Surfers, the Sailability Organisation and finally the Amputee Group. “The amputee group is the most rewarding for me”, explains Len.” We speak to people about amputations and provide mentoring to patients as well as their loved ones. It is a really valuable and important group to be part of. When you have had limb loss it is important to mourn the loss in order to come to terms with it. Being an amputee doesn’t mean that you have to cease doing fun things. The best part of living is that there are always kind people willing to help and I accept the help when offered. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my family and friends”.