“Get Annabel Active Again”

When Annabel was just thirteen years old she had her right leg amputated above the knee. “She was offered an option to salvage the limb however she wouldn’t be able to run, jump or play sports again. Upon hearing this, Annabel opted for the amputation instantly after seeing online that a microprocessor knee (MPK) like the Genium X3 would allow her to play sport again,” Annabel’s mum explained.
After deciding to have her leg amputated the next challenge came with raising funds for the MPK, which she desired. Annabel and her family set up a Go Fund Me page called “Get Annabel Active Again”, and with Annabel touching the hearts of so many throughout her life with her positive attitude and determination, an overwhelming amount of people donated, which resulted in Annabel smashing her target. Within just four days over £180,000 was raised. “We couldn’t quite believe the generosity of others, especially in the current climate. My football team did fundraisers and one of my friends even completed a sky dive,” said Annabel.
Just a few months post amputation, Annabel was fitted with the Genium X3 and is more motivated than ever. “She is the most fiercely determined person I know, I didn’t get Annabel through this time she got me through it”, explains mum. “Now she is determined to show people that no matter what happens it is how you act and view life that will get you through. She will be back on the slopes, on her bike and playing football. She has never once moaned or complained ‘why me’, no words can describe how proud I am of her”, said Annabel’s Mum.
Annabel came to Dorset Orthopaedic Midlands Clinic for her rehabilitation and met with Prosthetist Alice Hannah and Physios Emily Brader and Beth Langley. Since the introduction, Annabel has been improving her mobility at a rapid pace. After just six weeks into her rehabilitation, Annabel has been fitted with the innovative Genium X3 and has already been cycling, hoverboarding, skiing and is currently working on walking upstairs step over step. “The team here are so friendly and I genuinely enjoy coming. However I am feeling or whatever I would like to do the team always adapt,” explained Annabel. Just recently, Annabel had her biggest achievement yet of getting back onto the pitch and playing football in the annual adults vs kids family Boxing Day match.
With ambitious goals for her future, Annabel is excited to be able to live her active lifestyle again whilst squeezing every drop of happiness and enjoyment from life. Annabel hopes her journey can inspire others. “Even though something bad has happened, you can’t change it, it’s a case of getting on or giving up. Power through it and it will get easier the more active you are”, continued Annabel. Here at Dorset Orthopaedic we are excited to see what the future holds for Annabel, as we are certain it will be bright.
Website: www.annabelkiki.com | Instagram: @annabelkiki