Moose Baxter
With ten years experience as a Prosthetist and Orthotist, Moose joined Dorset Ortho's Midlands Clinic in 2013 and began his career working in the NHS after graduating from the University of Strathclyde. After this he spent three years leading a team of Prosthetists supporting injured service people at the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre - Headley Court.
Moose has specialist experience in the areas of complex high-level upper limb prosthetics, including Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR), a surgical procedure designed to enable arm amputees to use their prosthesis intuitively. He also has expertise in osseointegration and multi-limb loss.
For Moose, the most important aspects of his job are the relationships that he builds with his patients. He feels motivated when he knows that a patient trusts him and comes to him for help when taking on a new challenge.
Nothing makes Moose happier than seeing somebody overcome difficulties or do something that they never thought they would be able to do.